Candidates for admission to the first semester of the Post-Graduate Degree Programme shall be required to have passed an appropriate Under-Graduate Degree Examination of Anna University or equivalent as specified under qualification for admission as per the Tamil Nadu Common Admission (TANCA) criteria.
Note: TANCA releases the updated criteria during the admissions every academic year. Admission shall be offered only to the candidates who possess the qualification prescribed against each programme. Any other relevant qualification which is not prescribed against each programme shall be considered for equivalence by the committee constituted for the purpose. Admission to such degrees shall be offered only after obtaining equivalence to such degrees. However, the University may decide to restrict admission in any particular year to candidates having a subset of qualifications prescribed at the time of admission. Notwithstanding the qualifying examination the candidate might have passed, he/she shall have a minimum level of proficiency in the appropriate programme / courses as prescribed by the University from time to time. Eligibility conditions for admission such as the class obtained the number of attempts in qualifying examination and physical fitness will be as prescribed by the University from time to time.
Required Documents
Candidates shall be required to affix the photocopies of required documents with the application form. The following documents are required:
- 1. Class 10 / SSLC Mark Sheet*.
- 2. Class 12 / HSC Mark Sheet*.
- 3. Graduation / Diploma Mark sheets of All Years / Semesters* .
- 4. Nativity Certificate (If applicable).
- 5. Community Certificate.
- 6. Demand Draft.
- 7. Transfer Certificate* (From last attended educational institution).
- 8. Copy of Aadhaar Card.
- 9. Copy of Driving License/Passport/Pan Card..
- 10. Passport size photographs - 6 nos.
- 11. 3 set of self attested photocopies of above documents.